
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Today, we're unpacking your answers to the question "What is your ultimate nightmare scenario?" We received 324 answers for this one and were able to uncover some interesting trends! So grab a cuppa and strap on in!
Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/@literallynosubtextwithdear2971
See all of the answers that I received for this question:https://www.hellodearkristin.com/typetrends
Time stamps:
3:22 ENFP
5:29 INFP
9:53 ENFJ
11:30 INFJ
16:49 ESFP
18:17 ISFP
20:02 ESFJ
21:23 ISFJ
22:21 Recap of the "F" answers
24:05 ENTP
28:18 INTP
32:30 ENTJ
36:19 INTJ
40:31 ESTJ
42:28 ISTJ
43:58 ESTP
45:31 ISTP
47:12 Summary of the findings
51:10 Call for help!
Thanks for listening guys!
Send me an email if you'd like to help me analyse trends for future episodes:dear.kristin.mail@gmail.com
Check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/dearkristin
Follow me on instagram @dear.kristin
Music by Restless Mosaic.

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Welcome to "Dear Kristin" episode #2, in which we're diving into more of YOUR questions. Today, I answer questions from Lisandro, Pupairin, Sea and Rachel H. Topics include: changing one's personality type, communication tactics between Feelers and Thinkers, MBTI in childhood, MBTI and faith, how to use MBTI to better yourself, developing your functions and how to type yourself accurately. It's just me and my mic, so grab a coffee and let's chat! (And by "chat" I mean, "listen to me monologue while you get to say nothing!") Thanks for tuning in!
Check out my Patreon page to see the recent talk that I gave at a Catholic youth retreat: https://www.patreon.com/dearkristin
The episode I mentioned about "Typing people in the wild": https://open.spotify.com/episode/6E1stgz15L13Flqii1xcWJ?si=6df4bdff17b94fa4
Theme music by Restless Mosaic.

Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Today, I welcome my ENTJ housemate Marie to answer 36 of your instagram questions. Your only instruction in submitting your questions was to "make her uncomfortable", which... well, you'll have to have a listen to see if we did!
Some of you might remember Marie from an earlier episode, "Unpacking the ExTJ personalities with my housemates". As expected, without Sara, we were able to dive much deeper. Join us as we discuss strategies for empathy, femininity as an ENTJ, what it looks like to have blindspot Si, an ethical debate about the trolley problem, and some pretty wholesome affirmations between us as friends!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/dearkristinInstagram: @dear.kristin
Theme music by Restless Mosaic.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Today, I'm joined by Dr. Ben Cotterill, a psychology professor at Clemson University in South Carolina, to discuss his research using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and other personality tools. Doctor Cotterill and I discuss the strengths and weaknesses of MBTI, its critics in the psychological field, the Big Five model and how one's psychological birth order might affect their personality type. It was a fascinating conversation, so grab a cuppa and get comfortable!
Dr. Cotterill's website: https://sites.google.com/view/ben-f-cotterill/research?authuser=0
His discussed research paper on "The Relationship Between Psychological Birth-Order Position and Personality Type": https://muse.jhu.edu/article/855025/pdf
Boeree's MBTI test: http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/jungiantypestest.html
The Big Five Aspects Scale: https://bigfiveaspects.com/
Theme music by Restless Mosaic.

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Today I answer a question submitted by Kennedy, who asks how he, as an INTP, can learn to type people in the wild. I go into some of the tells that I've picked up as an Se dom that reflect what cognitive functions somebody might be using.
If you're unfamiliar with the cognitive functions and need a crash course, check out this video:https://youtu.be/uzNWdRgGdJg
Theme music by Restless Mosaic.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Join me as we find trends between types based on career/field of study!
2:49 ENFJ3:41 INFJ6:22 ESFJ7:02 ISFJ8:02 ENFP9:34 INFP11:38 ISFP12:42 ESFP14:47 ENFJ17:04 INTJ18:49 ESTJ20:34 ISTJ22:00 ENTP23:30 INTP25:44 ISTP26:46 ESTP
Learn about the cognitive functions:https://youtu.be/uzNWdRgGdJg
Theme music by Restless Mosaic

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Today, I welcome Michelle to talk with me about the wonderful topic of creativity as two creatives in the YouTube space. Where does creativity start? How do we manage the whims of creativity as two ExFPs in a society that demands content? How do we handle deadlines? Is there a difference between “creative” and “artistic”? What makes our art unique? Are certain personality types more creative than others? How can you be more creative? We discuss these and literally 10000 other questions in today's episode.
Michelle’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PsychologyandChillwMichi
Michelle’s instagram: @heartofmichi
Neon Genisis scene that Michelle mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXbCWJNfq_0
Theme music by Restless Mosaic.

Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
This episode is for the insanely niche sector of my audience that has an extensive interest in both music and MBTI! (Just kidding, it's for all of you, please listen 🙏 ) Let's take an unnecessarily deep dive into these 16 songs that I've chosen to represent each of the 16 Myers-Briggs types.
View Restless Mosaic's FREE book, "Music By The Innards":restlessmosaic.wordpress.com
Watch my video, "16 Personalities as 16 Songs":https://youtu.be/2qnryrVYIjo
⌛️ TIMESTAMPS:2:20 ENTJ10:03 ENTP14:16 ESTP17:47 ISTP22:06 INTP26:57 INTJ30:03 ESTJ33:19 ISTJ36:18 If you're interested in more MBTI music content...36:55 INFP40:49 ENFP45:36 ISFP49:00 ESFP55:58 ESFJ58:59 ISFJ1:03:08 ENFJ1:05:58 INFJ1:09:51 Final commentsWatch Restless Mosaic's interview with Ennpey about cognitive functions and music:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMl0jn2JBtg
Learn about the cognitive functions:https://youtu.be/uzNWdRgGdJg
Theme music by Restless Mosaic.

Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Want to help your friends feel more understood? Well, thankfully, we're back with another long-form analysis of your instagram answers to my monthly question. This time, you answered, "In what ways do you feel misunderstood?" Can't quite wrap your head around the personality type of someone in your life? Then this episode is for you! Thanks, as always, to those who participated.
Timestamps:4:17 INTP7:05 ENTP12:25 ISTP15:41 ESTP16:22 INFP20:25 ISFP21:35 ENFP25:35 ESFP28:11 ENTJ 29:21 ESTJ31:05 INTJ34:06 ISTJ34:42 ENFJ37:02 INFJ41:00 ESFJ41:36 ISFJ
"Type Trends" is an experiment that I run via my instagram page, through which I ask my instagram followers various questions, and then find trends between the types based on their answers. Feel free to follow me on instagram @dear.kristin if you'd like to participate!
Theme music by Restless Mosaic.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Today, I welcome fellow type-enthusiast and esteemed author, Joe Arrigo (aka "Ghost of Jung" on YouTube), to discuss the burden that is being an INTJ. Why do INTJs focus so much on the future, rather than the present moment? Do INTJs find it hard to touch base with their feelings? What do INTJs value in relationships? Dating advice, conflict management, and, of course, the million dollar question, “are you evil”? Joe also shares with us a bit about his writing process in crafting his type manifesto, “Marble and Sculptor”.
Buy “Marble and Sculptor” today on Etsy (PDF and Signed Copy): https://www.etsy.com/shop/GhostofJung?ref=seller-platform-mcnavAmazon (Kindle and paperback): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B42PTVZL
Joe’s YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/c/GhostofJungLinkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-arrigo
Bangin’ track created by Restless Mosaic.